Oklahoma In Your Pocket FAQ

Below is a list of common FAQs and requests. Please tap on the link for the answer. If you see something not listed here, please email support and we'll get back to you very soon.

  • What new features are coming soon?
  • Your listing for [name] is wrong!
  • I'd like a version for another state.
  • Why isn't my email getting through?
  • That's an ugly picture of [name].

  • How do I find out about what you're thinking of adding next to Oklahoma In Your Pocket?
    Follow us over at Twitter or tap on the Blog tab in the More section of this application.

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    Your listing for [member] is wrong. How do I send you updated information?
    Thank you for wanting to help. We appreciate it. Please click on the "Send a Correction" button on the bottom of the individual member's page in Oklahoma In Your Pocket with the update.

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    The email I sent to [name] was kicked back to me. What happened?
    There are two possibilities. First, the person may have left the position or got a job off the Hill and we do not have it updated. Please send us an update with the "Send a Correction" button on the bottom of the individual member's page in Oklahoma in Your Pocket with the update, if you have it. Second, we might have it updated but you have a previous version of the database. Please update your database if you have Oklahoma In Your Pocket Pro or consider purchasing it for frequent updates throughout the year.

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    Why does my representative/senator look so attractive/ugly?
    In almost all cases, the picture listed in Oklahoma In Your Pocket is a scaled version of the official picture approved by the member's office. We don't play Photoshop with them. However, if you feel strongly about it, please email us a better official headshot and we'll make the update.

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    What about other versions?
    We are working with partners in the United States and internationally to add new apps. Currently, we offer the following apps: Australia Parliament, California, Florida, Governors, New Jersey, President (the Obama administration), Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Washington. Please search for Cohen Research Group in the App Store for the most current list.

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